Hyasun Engineering Projects, is a leading Engineering Consulting company, head quartered at Singapore, offering Engineering Design Consulting Services, Plant Design and Integration Services, Procurement and Construction Support Services, EPC Project Support Services to international and domestic EPC Companies, Manufacturing Plants and Government Oranizations of Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Chemical, Power & Steel, Marine & FPSO, Nuclear & Pharmaceutical, Metals & Mineral Beneficiation, Water & Effluent Treatment, Pulp & Paper, Buildings Sectors.
Our special expertise and significant experience in Plant Design using the latest 3-D Plant Modeling software tools Intergraph’s Plant Design System (PDS), Intergraph’s SmartPlant, Aveva’s Plant Design Management System (PDMS), Bentley’s AutoPlant & PlantSpace, bring benefits of Value addtion, Cost and Schedule to our esteemed Customers...
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